The Council


Minutes of the meeting of the University Council held on Tuesday 22 July 2008.


Sir Bryan Carsberg (Chair); Dr Memis Acar; John Blackwell (ab); Penny Coates (ab); Dr Sandie Dann; Vivian Dhaliwal (ab); Gifty Edila; Sir John Gains (ab); Marc Gibson (ab); Paul Glover; Professor Neil Halliwell (ab); Peter Haslehurst; Norma Honey; Sir John Jennings; Jim Mutton (ab); Professor Ric Parker (ab); Professor Richard Parry-Jones (ab); Professor Shirley Pearce; Simon Proffitt; Jackie Strong (ab); Professor Rachel Thomson; Professor Yiannis Vardaxoglou (ab); Professor Peter Warwick; Dr Cyril Woodruff; Alan A Woods (ab).

In attendance:

Rob Allen; Professor Morag Bell; Professor Peter Golding; Professor Terry Kavanagh; Professor Ken Parsons; Miranda Routledge; Jon Walker; John Whittaker

Ron Gray for item 08/84

Apologies for absence were received from:

John Blackwell; Penny Coates; Marc Gibson; Jim Mutton; Professor Richard Parry-Jones


08/81    Minutes

Minutes of the Special Meeting of Council held on 4 April 2008 [COUN08-M4] were CONFIRMED.


08/81    Matters Arising

Further to Minute 08/52, Council NOTED that the Privy Council had approved the re-appointment of Sir Charles McCullough as the University Visitor for five years from 7 May 2008. 


08/82    Remuneration Committee


Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of the Remuneration Committee held on 7 July 2008.  Council had not previously received reports from the Committee but would now do so on an annual basis.  The report outlined the process for senior staff pay awards but did not disclose details of individual salaries.

08/83    Nominating Committee

08/83.1  Reports from Meetings held on 18 January, 3 April and 9 June 2008


08/83.2  Co-opted membership of Council


Council APPROVED the appointment of Brian Dent and Jim Murphy to Council from 1 August 2008.  There remained two vacancies for co-opted members of Council and work was ongoing to identify suitable candidates.

08/84    Honorary Degrees


The Director of the Development and Alumni Relations Office (DARO) attended for this item.

Council APPROVED the principle of awarding honorary bachelor degrees to Diploma of Loughborough College (DLC) holders.  It was hoped to build relations with individuals who, currently, did not feel they had a proper connection to the University.  It was NOTED that this process would be linked to the centenary celebrations and that further policy decisions regarding exactly who should qualify for the award would be required.  There would be significant work involved in identifying and contacting individuals.

08/85    Human Resources Committee


Council RECEIVED a report of the meeting of the Human Resources Committee held on 12 June 2008 and APPROVED the following recommendations:

08/85.1 Revisions to the Reward Review Procedures


08/85.2  Revisions to the Harassment and Bullying Policy


08/85.3  Terms of Reference for the Sub-Committee for the Award of Titles


08/85.4  Equality and Diversity Sub-Committee: change in Chair from Professor Terry Kavanagh to Will Spinks.

08/85.5  Award of title of Emeritus Professor to the following:

              Dr R Paul Sturges, formerly Professor of Library Studies in the Department of Information Science.

              Dr Bryan Woodward, formerly Professor of Underwater Acoustics in the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering.

              Dr Kurt Ziebeck, formerly Professor of Physics in the Department of Physics.

08/86    Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise) Appointment

Council NOTED that, following the resignation of Peter Winter, the Chair had taken action to approve an external advert for the position of Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise).  Kathryn Walsh had been appointed as Acting PVC (Enterprise) with effect from 10 June 2008.

08/87    Special Leave 


Council RECEIVED the annual report of staff taking more than three months Special Leave.

08/88    Chair’s Action

Council NOTED that the Chair of Council had taken action on behalf of Council to approve:

-          Re-appointment of Professor Terry Kavanagh as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities

-          Issuing of invitations to receive Honorary Degrees

08/89    Staffing


Council NOTED appointments since the Meeting of Council held on 27 November 2007.

08/90    Reports of Committees

Council RECEIVED reports from the following Committees:

08/90.1     Operations Committee – 17 March, 28 April, 9 May, 9 and 23 June 2008 [COUN08-P119]

08/90.2     Senate – 2 July 2008 [COUN08-P120]

08/91  Dates of Meetings in 2008/09

Council NOTED the dates for meetings in 2008/09 as follows:

Friday 10 October 2008

Friday, 28 November 2008
Friday, 27 March 2009
Thursday, 9 July 2009

08/92    Any Other Business

08/92.1     Council APPROVED the re-appointment of John Richardson as Director of ESRI for a further year until 31 July 2009.

08/92.2     The Vice-Chancellor left for this item.  The Vice-Chancellor’s current term of office was due to expire on 31 December 2010.  The Chair of Council wished to initiate proceedings to formally extend the appointment and had requested that a Joint Committee of Senate and Council be established for the purpose.  The Committee would be chaired by the Chair of Council and the Secretary to Senate was seeking Senate members.  Council APPROVED the appointment of Norma Honey and Alan A Woods as the lay Council members of the Joint Committee.

08/93    Valedictory

Council recorded its thanks to the following members for whom this had been the last meeting:

Dr Memis Acar (would re-join next year), Dr Sandie Dann, Peter Haslehurst, Professor Rachel Thomson, Professor Yiannis Vardaxoglou (in his absence), Professor Peter Warwick and Cyril Woodruff.  Each member was thanked individually for the contributions they had made to the Council, and to the wider University.

08/94    Date of Next Meeting

Friday 10 October 2008


Author – Miranda Routledge
Date – July 2008
Copyright (c) Loughborough University.  All rights reserved.